My favorites

Here you can find all my gear for videomaking, as well as my favorite books and products that I love and use.


If you’re curious about how I make my videos, I’ve listed everything I use on this page (as well as my favorite inspiring books and products). Even as a creator, I believe in the power of keeping things simple. I like to keep things affordable and easy to store in my home. And I believe you don’t have to break the bank to start making videos.

A little note: these are affiliate links. That means that if you buy something after clicking on one of my links, I’ll receive a small commission. I only recommend products I believe in, so I hope you will enjoy using them as well. Thank you for your support!

video making

Camera - Canon 90D with 18-135 mm lens

I use the Canon 80D camera, but this is now quite old and not available everywhere anymore. The 90D would be a slightly more modern version. It’s beginner friendly, has awesome autofocus abilities and beautiful lighting and colors. I use the kit lens mainly for handheld b-roll shots, using the stabilizing function.

Sigma 30mm F1.4 lens for Canon

This beautiful lens is my go-to for all my talking head shots. With its bright F1.4 apperture, it creates beautiful shots with blurry backgrounds under any lighting condition.

TASCAM DR-10L Pro portable recorder with lavalier mic

I use this microphone for all of my videos. It’s budget friendly, it allows me to move around and the quality is quite good. I’ll record the audio with this and sync it with the video in post.

Blue Yeti X USB Microphone

I use this microphone for my voice-overs, it’s also great for podcasts, interviews and streaming. Great audio quality and easy to use, even for someone as tech-challenged as me.

Lighting equipment

I use natural light combined with this Godox ring light. It’s affordable, easy and it does the job well. It has become an absolute essential for me, especially in the darker months. 

Hama tripod

The tripod I use for all of my videos. With a small extention, you can also use it to hold your phone as a camera. A budget friendly option if you’re shooting mostly at home.

Joby Gorillapod for mobile

Great little thing if you’re shooting with your mobile camera. Compact, lightweight and flexible, so wrap it around anything you want. 

Seagate 2TB External harddrive

All those video files need lots of storage. I have two of these external harddrives to keep everything in order. 

Music for videos

I get all my royalty-free music from Epidemic Sound. They have a wonderful library of music and sound effects, with unlimited downloads. Get one month for free by signing up through this link. 

products you’ve seen in my videos

Bullet journal

My trusted bullet journal. I use a minimal setup to organize both my work and my life. This is a hardcover dotted notebook that’s very suitable for bullet journaling.

French press for tea (similar)

I use a glass french press for preparing all of my tea drinks. Simple, easy and no extra teabags or strainers necessary! This has become a must-have for me.

Espresso machine

You might have seen this beauty in a video or two. I use a Delonghi Dedica for all my coffee drinks. Budget friendly, nice and small, and it makes great quality espresso. 

Books that i love

The highly sensitive person

This book has had a huge impact on me. A comforting and very interesting read, I would recommend this book to all the sensitive people out there. 

Goodbye, things

For me personally, this is my favorite book about minimalism. An inspiring read, as well as light and entertaining.

The things you can see only when you slow down

Truly beautiful, comforting and inspiring. Also loved the illustrations. This is a book I’ll read again and again. 

The Tao of Pooh

I absolutely adore this little book. It explains the Eastern philosophy of taoism using the fictional characters of Winnie the Pooh’s world in a cute, funny, wise and incredibly insightful way.