learn with me
If you enjoy my videos and want to learn more from me, my online resources
will help you out.
courses & ebooks

In Love With Your Life, the 20-week online course
Learn to simplify your life, clear the chaos and create more of what you love in 20 weeks. Simple Happy Zen’s full online course with guided lessons to simplify all big aspects of your life.

Unhurried, the 30-day slow living program
My 30-day program of daily lessons and inspiring challenges will help you experience the benefits of slowing down in your day-to-day life, even if you’re really busy!

Simple Happy Zen's Ultimate Decluttering Guide
No matter where you are in your decluttering journey, this 90-page ebook helps you to tackle your clutter and transform your home with helpful tips, checklists and more.

FREE 7-day simplify your life challenge
Spark ideas and inspiration about how you can simplify and create more of what you love. The daily exercises are short and sweet, and come with a free video series.

FREE Simple Happy Zen minimalist phone wallpapers
Beautiful and inspiring wallpapers for your phone. There are eight different designs available for you to download, in regular, tall, light and dark mode.

FREE capsule wardrobe checklist
Learn to find which clothing items work best for your preferences and lifestyle. With helpful questions and checklists to build a smaller wardrobe that suits you.